G20 Indonesia 2022 [shortlisted]
The visual identity design for G20 is based on the core principles outlined in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution and the national ideology of Pancasila, emphasizing "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" (Unity in Diversity) and "Tan Hana Dharma Mangrwa" (There is no ambiguos truth). Elaborated through the narrative of this G20 edition, three main keywords are highlighted: Resilience (Indonesia's leadership and its robust ideology overcoming the challenges of our time), Synergy (the ability to unite differences based on principles of peace and justice), and Universality (an open space for shared voices without losing the identity).
This symbolism is rooted in the concept of five: Pancasila, the 4+1 Priority Issues of the G20, the five continents of the world, and the philosophy of "Sedulur Papat Kalima Pancer." It also borrows the simple geometric pattern of the "Kawung" motif, which symbolizes purity or emptiness, to bring together the arrangement of the five circles. Additionally, it is encompassed by a square or diamond shape derived from the concept of "Intan Permata" (Diamond Gem) as a representation of strength. The duality between softness and strength serves as the foundation of the expression, which is also incorporated into the typography of G20 Indonesia 2022. The graphic exploration in its implementation is derived from various segments of this G20 logo, processed through an iterative enlargement of the pattern to symbolize the spirit of recovery.
Creative Director. Wicky Syailendra & Bayu Rengga Mauludy
Art Director. Aulia Akbar & Wicky Syailendra
Designer. Kholis Dzikrillah, Asrul Adam, Bambang Erlangga & Ihsan M. Farhan
© POT Branding House